Moderation / Studio Art with a focus on Social Practice
Advisor / Daniella Dooling

Work /

Deer Field

inkjet print / as installed @ Bushel Collective

Transverse Orientation

a study of moth carcasses (death as a result of being drawn to the light/love) combined with a mediation on woman's handiwork (the pursuit of beauty via work)


POison Bunny

created in Art 250 with Dave McKenzie

raffia. kale. social media.


Dirt Stories

created in HR 268 with Adam Stepan

video. social media.

grass, cows + milk in the piece of earth we refer to as new york state

created in Film 357 with Sky Hopinka

video. social media.

(beginnings of the) Natural NY / Seed Bombs media project

summer 2022 project

conceptualization / design / website

Symbolic communications

black silk thread. art canvas.

daily haiku

social media. haiku cookies.


Almost Grown

inkjet prints.

Pandemic Baking

performative baking. social media.


an essay about the experience

Meyer lemons kicked the whole thing off / written in Writ 327 with Masha Gessen

Found Objects in Jars


Catskills Magazine

concept + 12 issues created for catskill center