hey human, listen
to your rumble of malaise
it’s setting you straight
gps for lost animals
Say the word “nature”
Whisper if you like, but speak it out loud.
Feel it in your mouth, behind your teeth, in your throat. Let your ears hear it. What comes to mind? Plants and wildlife and rocks? aka, the natural world?? Envision the animals. Find yourself. Do you stand amongst them? Or are you human first? What powers does that sense of separation allow?
Consider. How is it that we (meaning humans) with all of our capabilities of research and discovery have chosen to separate ourselves from the natural world? To believe ourselves other than the matter of earth, the only planet that has even been demonstrated to support life? Much of the blame falls directly at the feet of Aristotle and ancient theories of hierarchy and domination, but we know better than this now.
Many (most?) of us believe what science has demonstrated, that we (meaning humans), with our bipedal carriage, opposable thumbs and chubby prefrontal cortices exist because of millions of years of evolution, so how is it that via our most ingrained habits — our language — we reinforce our position as outside of the animal kingdom? Why is it that what we can’t comprehend, we diminish?
The thoughts, interpretations and behaviors that compromise our daily operating system, we consider to be “second nature.” When observed as a societal commonality, we speak of belief systems and habits as “human nature.” But after generations of practice and reinforcement, systemic oppression and societal constructs designed to exploit and extract, how considered is this programming? I suggest it’s time for a serious update!
Using the primary languages of the 21st century — media and capitalism — I propose a series of sneaky messages and new actions that just might have the power to disrupt the zombie-like stumble into the devastation of our life system. I believe it's not too late to redirect our energies into a existence of non-destructive curiosity, wonder, and gratitude.
I propose a new future of intention and possibility — a third nature.
hdpl 2024